Thursday, October 6, 2016

French 1 Webquest

1. Cognates are words from two languages that are the same or similar. Because English borrows many words from Latin there are a lot of words that are very similar in English and French. Write down 10 French/Egnlish cognates.

2. Look at this list of hobbies and sports in French. Write down IN FRENCH the three sports/activities you enjoy the most.

3. Write down five school supplies IN FRENCH that you have in your backpack or locker.

4. Write down the classes you are taking this year, in French.

5. What are your three favorite foods to eat? Write them in French!

6. What are the days of the week in French? Use your headphones and listen to the pronunciation.

7. What are the months of the year in French? Use your headphones and listen to the pronunciation.

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