Monday, October 17, 2016

France Revealed Webquest

The following questions are related to the Discovery Channel documentary we watched during the course of the week, France Revealed. Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The documentary featured many extreme sports. Here is a list of the many popular extreme sports in France. Write down five other extreme sports that are popular in France:

2. What was the core aim of Parkour? (Read 1st paragraph of this article for the answer:)

3. Finish the sentence (Read 4th section of article for the answer)

ART DU DéPLACEMENT is about trying.......

4. When is Bastille Day?

5. Finish the sentence: Bastille Day marks the..... (see first paragraph of article)

6. The motto of the French Revolution was “liberté, égalité, fraternité” - what do those three words mean in English?

7. Take a look around at this link and see what you would see if you were at the tippy top of the Eiffel Tower:
How tall is the Eiffel Tower and when was it built

8. Name the countries that share a border with France

9. What is the capital of France?

10. Write down the names of five other French cities that you see on the map:

11. When you are finished, please go to and fill a bowl of rice practicing your French! Write down five new words you learned!

Image result for france

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