Monday, October 31, 2016

C'est Halloween!

Do your bellringer on a separate sheet of paper today, to be handed in at the end of class. 

1. What are you scared of? Write down three things 

J'ai peur....(I'm scared)

2. Write down the following words. As you watch the video, write the French translation of each word:

  • a ghost
  • a mummy
  • a pumpkin
  • a monster

3. Which monster do you think is le plus EFFRAYANT

4. Why do we celebrate Halloween? Write down three facts from this Halloween history video:

On a half sheet of paper, translate into French:

1. The pumpkin is big and orange.
2. The mummy is old and dirty.
3. The monster is very nice.
4. The ghost is very friendly.

Image result for halloween french

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