Monday, October 31, 2016

C'est Halloween!

Do your bellringer on a separate sheet of paper today, to be handed in at the end of class. 

1. What are you scared of? Write down three things 

J'ai peur....(I'm scared)

2. Write down the following words. As you watch the video, write the French translation of each word:

  • a ghost
  • a mummy
  • a pumpkin
  • a monster

3. Which monster do you think is le plus EFFRAYANT

4. Why do we celebrate Halloween? Write down three facts from this Halloween history video:

On a half sheet of paper, translate into French:

1. The pumpkin is big and orange.
2. The mummy is old and dirty.
3. The monster is very nice.
4. The ghost is very friendly.

Image result for halloween french

Friday, October 28, 2016

La Tour Eiffel Webquest

Use the following links to answer the questions below:

Eiffel Tower's Official Website -

Wikipedia -

The Designer -

1.      The Facts - Who designed the Eiffel Tower? When was it built? What city is it in? Why did they build it? Take a moment to explore the view from the top:

2.      Height - The Eiffel Tower was once the tallest building in the world.  How tall is it? How long was it the tallest the tallest building in the world?  Which building was tallest before it? Which building was tallest after it?

3.       Monuments - The Eiffel Tower has had many replicas around the world.  Name five and their location.  What famous landmark, near New York City, is a distant relative of the Eiffel Tower and was designed by the same person?

5.      Restaurants - There are two restaurants located inside the Eiffel Tower.  If you were dine at the Jules Verne tonight, tell me three things in French that you would order. Here's the menu:

 If you have extra time, play some of the Eiffel Tower games and fill a bowl of rice while practicing your French at

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

  1. Je suis ________________ à Schurz.
  2. ______est un examen important.
  3. Ma soeur a 6 ans et elle est __________à Disney Magnet School.
  4. L'uniforme est ____________dans les écoles religieuses. 
  5. Je suis _______ intelligent que Goofy mais ______ beau.
  6. Sans ______ doute, je suis la plus gentille.
    (without any doubt), 
Je m'appelle Marianna e je vis avec ma soeur et ma mère dans un petit appartement à Paris. Ma famille est petite. Mon chat Bisou est très doux, agréable et calme. Je n'aime pas ma soeur parce que elle est très méchant. J'aime ma mère parce qu'elle est travailleuse et gentille. Notre appartement est très petite mais très confortable.

1. Is Marianna's famille big or small?
2. What three adjectives does Marianna use to describe her cat?
3. Does Marianna like her sister? Why or why not? What adjective does she use to describe her sister?
4. Does Marianna love her mom? What two adjectives does she use to describe her mom?
5. What two adjectives does she use to describe her apartment?
French 2

Add the following vocab words to your cahier. Look up in dictionary and translate into English. 

  1. école maternelle
  2. Collégien
  3. écolier
  4. etudiant
  5. le collège
  6. le  bac
  7. obligatoire
  8. aucun
  9. plus
  10. moins
  11. aussi chaque jour 
  12. en voiture

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Level 1 Homework in French

Write out the correct days or months IN FRENCH

1. Month you were born in.
2. Favorite month.
3. Month of Halloween
4. Favorite day of week
5. Days of the week that you go to school.
6. NOEL (Christmas) month
7. New Year begins in ....
8. What are three months that fall in the HIVER (winter)
9. Three months that are in summer:
10. Two months that are in the PRINTEMPS (spring)
Add these vocab words to your notebook. Write the word in French and then draw a little picture so you remember what the word means. 

Monday, October 24, 2016

1. In your CAHIER, conjugate the verb POUVOIR (see p. 201 in the book) 

2. Answer the questions in French:

1. Pouvez-vous manger en classe à Schurz

2. Pouvez-vous apporter un chien à l'école?
3. Pouvez-vous fumer en classe à Schurz? 
Bellringer: Match the PERSONAL PRONOUNS in French with their English Translation

Je                                        You (Singular, informal)
Tu                                       I  
Elle                                      We

Il                                         She
Nous                                   You (Plural = you all; Formal
Vous                                   He
Ils                                        They (group of all boys/boys+girls)
Elles                                    They (group of girls)

Part 2
1. Je ___________ à l'école.
2 Nous _______ ici.
3 Vous _______ au café.
4. Le chat ________ trés mal.
5. Elles __________ à la bibliotheque.
6. Nous _______ à la plage.
7. Je ______ ici.

Image result for the verb etre

Friday, October 21, 2016

Il y a is a French expression that means THERE IS or THERE ARE. It can be followed by a singular or plural noun. 

Write seven sentences describing that is in this classroom. Each sentence should start with Il y a.

Image result for classroom

Weird Schools around the World

Bart Simpson Goes to Paris

Thursday, October 20, 2016

French 2 - jeudi 20 octobre

Task 1: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the questions. Due at the end of class.

1. According to the graph, what percentage of French people have NO HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA?
Image result for education en france emploi

2. According to National Center for Education Statistics, how does this percentage compare to the U.S.? (based on most recent date; See paragraph below)

Between 1995 and 2015, educational attainment rates among 25- to 29-year-olds increased. The percentage who had received at least a high school diploma or its equivalent increased from 87 to 91 percent, with most of the change occurring between 2005 and 2015. The percentage who had completed an associate’s or higher degree increased from 33 percent in 1995 to 46 percent in 2015. Similarly, the percentage who had completed a bachelor’s or higher degree increased from 25 percent in 1995 to 36 percent in 2015, and the percentage who had completed a master’s or higher degree increased from 5 percent in 1995 to 9 percent in 2015.

3.   Look at the graph below: How much did the French government spend per student each year? How much is this amount in US Dollars?

4.  According to this article, how much did CPS spend per student in 2015? How does this compare to the spending per student in France? 

5. Look at the graph in this article. Which three countries spend the most on education? Which three countries spend the least on education?

Task 2: Check out this list of French quotes on Education. I want you to make a miniposter, in French, citing the quote in French with the English translation. Then add a piece of clip art that helps illustrated the quote. These will be posted on the bulletin board near our classroom. 25 points each mini poster.

Task 3: If you have extra time, go to and fill a bowl of rice while you practice your French!


1. Look at this list of French fruits and veggies. Write seven sentences telling me which ones you like, and seven sentences telling me which ones you don't like.
J'aime les oranges.
Je n'aime pas les pommes. 

2. Look at this list of French sports and hobbies. Write seven sentences telling me which ones you like, and seven sentences telling me which ones you don't like:

J'aime danser. 
Je n'aime pas chanter. 

Look at the verb chart below. Translate the following sentences into French:
3. I am a student.
4. You (singular/informal) are very beautiful.
5. She is very intelligent.
6. We are students.
7. I am from Chicago.
8. We are from Chciago.
9. She is very happy.
10. He is very sad.

PS: When you are finished with this webquest, go to and fill a bowl of rice while practicing your French!
Image result for verb etre french present

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Level 2 Bellringer: 

Part 1
Conjugate the verbs Boire, Devoir and Recevoir. Look on page 337 in Bon Voyage

Boire                           Devoir                    Recevoir

Part 2
1. Comment allez-vous à l'école? - en voiture? à pied? en bus?
2. Combien de temps faut-il pour aller à l'école de votre maison?
Bonjour! Je m'appelle Margherite et j'ai seize ans. Je veux être un chef et j'aime manger.J'aime manger des fruits, des gâteaux et des bonbons. J'aime les choses sucrées. Je n'aime pas les légumes comme le brocoli, les carottes, le céleri et les tomates. J'aime boire du café. Je n'aime pas boire du thé. Le week-end, j'aime faire du shopping avec ma sœur et j'aime dormir et manger et cuisiner. Samedi soir, j'aime aller au cinéma avec mes amis.

Answer the questions IN FRENCH.
1. How old is Margherite?
2. What does she want to be when she finishes school?
3. What does she love to eat?
4. What doesn't she like to eat?
5. What does she like to drink?
6. Name five things she likes to do on the weekend.

Video Review: Numbers 1-100

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Homework: Describe a class in one paragraph, in French. Here are some sentence starters.

Ma classe favorite est ___________.
Le prof s'appelle _________. Elle/ Il est __________et _____________. (two adjectives to describe teacher).
Il y a ____________élèves dans cette classe. (number of students).
J'ai besoin de _____________et ________________ pour cette classe. (Two supplies you need for this class).
Dans cette classe, je dois....
J'aime cette classe parce que....
Quand j'ai soif a' l'école , je dois...
Quand il fait froid, je dois...
Après l'école, je dois...
Quand j'ai faim...
Quand je ne fais pas bien dans une classe...

Finish the sentences in French.
Si je veux des bonnes notes, je dois....
(If I want good grades, I have to...)
Si je veux des bonnes notes, je dois....
Si je veux apprendre en classe, je dois.....
Si je veux aller à l'université, je dois...
Si je veux un bon travail, je dois ...
Copy this paragraph in your notebook then translate it. Remember: J'aime = I love. 

J'aime boire du thé.
J'aime jouer au tennis.
J'aime manger des tacos.
J'aime lire.

Je n'aime pas me réveiller tôt.
Je n'aime pas les mathématiques
Je n'aime pas le brocoli.
Je n'aime jouer au basket.

2. Watch this video. What fruits does Alain love? Name three in French:

Monday, October 17, 2016

France Revealed Webquest

The following questions are related to the Discovery Channel documentary we watched during the course of the week, France Revealed. Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The documentary featured many extreme sports. Here is a list of the many popular extreme sports in France. Write down five other extreme sports that are popular in France:

2. What was the core aim of Parkour? (Read 1st paragraph of this article for the answer:)

3. Finish the sentence (Read 4th section of article for the answer)

ART DU DéPLACEMENT is about trying.......

4. When is Bastille Day?

5. Finish the sentence: Bastille Day marks the..... (see first paragraph of article)

6. The motto of the French Revolution was “liberté, égalité, fraternité” - what do those three words mean in English?

7. Take a look around at this link and see what you would see if you were at the tippy top of the Eiffel Tower:
How tall is the Eiffel Tower and when was it built

8. Name the countries that share a border with France

9. What is the capital of France?

10. Write down the names of five other French cities that you see on the map:

11. When you are finished, please go to and fill a bowl of rice practicing your French! Write down five new words you learned!

Image result for france

Friday, October 14, 2016

14 octobre 2016, vendredi

Conjugate the present tense of the verb Être (TO BE)

je _________
tu ________
il ________
elle ________
nous _________
vous __________
ils __________

Write the sentences in French in your notebooks and translate into English:
1. Ma mère est belle.
2. Mon frère est agréable.
3. Ma soeur a quinze ans.
4. Mes cousins ​​sont drôles.
5. Ma tante et mon oncle sont très gentils.
6. Je suis un étudiant au lycée Schurz.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bellringer - French 2

1. Nous ______________(arriver) à l'école à sept heures et demie. 
2. Et toi, tu ___________(arriver) à l'école à quelle heure? 
3. En classe, nous _________(travailler) beaucoup. 4. Dans la classe de français, nous _______(parler) beaucoup en français. 
5. Moi, j'______________(écouter) bien quand les profs _____________(parler). 
6. J'____(avoir) beaucoup des examens. 
7. Je _________(être) un bon étudiant.
Image result for school supplies

Write down SEVEN school supplies you see in this picture in FRENCH.
Marianne a quinze ans. Elle habite à Paris. Elle habite dans un appartement avec sa mère, Tina, et son frère, Alberto, et sa grand-mère, Anna. Elle a un chien qui s'appelle Bobo.
Marianne a les yeux verts. Elle est très jolie. Elle est grande et mince.

Marianne aime le sport. Elle joue au basket et football. Elle est très athlétique.
Marianne est une bonne élève. Elle étudie beaucoup. Sa classe préférée est l'histoire. 
Marianne aime son chien Bobo. Bobo est grand et beau et calme. Bobo est très ancien. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

1. What is the job of La mère featured in the segment today?
2. Who gave NYC the Statue of Liberty?
3. Name two animals that live in LA CAMARGUE region of France.

4. What is the difference between a French and a Spanish bullfight?

Image result

Mini Practice Quiz

1. I am very intelligent. 
2. My sister is beautiful.
3. My mother is nice. 

Bellringer 12 octobre mercredi

Image result for disney characters

amusant / stupid / mariés / un chien / belle

1. Goofy est un peu ___________

2. Minnie est très ___________.

3. Pluto est _________.

4. Mickey est très

5. Daisy et Donald sont __________.

Bellringer 12 octobre mercredi

Image result for disney characters

amusant / stupid / mariés / amusant / belle

1. Goofy est un peu ___________

2. Minnie est très ___________.

3. Pluto est _________.

4. Mickey est très

5. Daisy et Donald sont __________.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Image result for classroom in france

Describe this classroom in French by completing these sentences will a missing word.

La classe est (petite/grande). Ils sont (There are....) __________ élèves dans la classe.
Les élèves (étudient / mangent / chantent) dans la classe.
Le prof (mange /enseigne /danse) la classe.
Les élèves ont _____________et ____________ (two school supplies the students are working with.

France Revealed Questions

1. Name two extreme sports featured in the movie. Would you be daring enough to try one of these sports? 

2. What happens on the 14th of July in France?

3. When was the Eiffel Tower built?  (1889)

4. How much paid vacation do French people receive each year and how many hours is the max they can work each week?

5. What is the world's top tourist destination? 
Bellringer - 11 Octobre 2016 - mardi

    Image result for etre
  • 1. Vous ___ de Chicago?
  • 2. 
    Je __ de Calgary
  • 3. 
    Il ___ d' Edmonton.
  • 4. 
    Nous___ d'Ottawa.
  • 5. 
  • Elles ___ de Vancouver.
  • 7. 
    Tu __ de Victoria.
  • 8. 
    Tu __ grand.
  • 9. 
    Vous ___ canadienne?
  • 10. 
    Ils ___ americains?


Friday, October 7, 2016

1. Tu quittes la maison pour aller à l'école 'à quelle heure le matin?

2. Tu arrives à l'école 'à quelle heure?

3. Est-ce que tu parles français dans la classe d'histoire à l'école?

4. Tu aimes quelle classe à l'école?

5. Tu détestes quelle classe à l'école?

6. Tu travailles après l'école?

French 1 Webquest - Vendredi

1. Cognates are words from two languages that are the same or similar. Because English borrows many words from Latin there are a lot of words that are very similar in English and French. Write down 10 French/Egnlish cognates.

2. Look at this list of hobbies and sports in French. Write down IN FRENCH the three sports/activities you enjoy the most.

3. Write down five school supplies IN FRENCH that you have in your backpack or locker.

4. Write down the classes you are taking this year, in French.

5. What are your three favorite foods to eat? Write them in French!

6. What are the days of the week in French? Use your headphones and listen to the pronunciation.

7. What are the months of the year in French? Use your headphones and listen to the pronunciation.
If you forgot your poem, you will be reading this poem:

Je suis intelligent et joli
Je suis très forte.
Je suis un éléphant.
Je ne suis pas stupid.
Je suis toujours gentil.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Write the opposite in French

Grand / 
Joli / 
Noir /
Fort / 
Ouvert / 
Soeur / 
Difficile / 

French 1 Webquest

1. Cognates are words from two languages that are the same or similar. Because English borrows many words from Latin there are a lot of words that are very similar in English and French. Write down 10 French/Egnlish cognates.

2. Look at this list of hobbies and sports in French. Write down IN FRENCH the three sports/activities you enjoy the most.

3. Write down five school supplies IN FRENCH that you have in your backpack or locker.

4. Write down the classes you are taking this year, in French.

5. What are your three favorite foods to eat? Write them in French!

6. What are the days of the week in French? Use your headphones and listen to the pronunciation.

7. What are the months of the year in French? Use your headphones and listen to the pronunciation.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Pop Quiz - Translate into French - WRITE OUT THE NUMBERS IN FRENCH

1. Big Sandwich
2. Nine notebooks
3. Eight friends
4. Seven pencils
5. Five Books
6. Six friends
7. Ten friends
8. I am always nice. 
Let's practice French pronunciation!

Monday, October 3, 2016


Je suis charmante et doux
Je suis très forte.
Je suis une lionne.
Je ne suis pas faible.
Je suis toujours optimiste.
Je suis AMY!

Bonjour! Je m'appelle Annalisa Lopez. J'ai seize ans. Mon anniversaire est le huit juin 2001. 
J'abite a Chicago avec ma mère Stephanie, ma grand-mère Jackie, et mes deux frères, Alberto et Fred. J'ai un chien qui s'appelle Petey e un chat qui s'appelle Missy. 
Je suis intelligente et gentille et j'aime passer du temps avec mes amis.
Je suis une étudiante au lycée Schurz. Ma classe préférée est histoire. Je joue au basket et volley-ball. J'aime aussi danser et chanter. 

Image result for hispanic girl

1. Kanye West: Il est ___________et __________________.
2. Beyonce: Elle est _________et______________________.
3. Oprah: Elle est _________et______________________.
4. SpongeBob: Il est ___________et __________________.
5. Batman: Il est ___________et __________________.
6. Wonder Woman: Elle est _________et______________.
7. Mon ami (boy friend) / Mon amie (girl friend) Il est/Elle est ______et ________.
8. The Joker:  Il est ___________et __________________.
9. Oscar the Grouch: Il est ___________et ____________.
10. Ma grand-mère: Elle est _________et___________.
11. Ma tante: Elle est _________et______________.
12. Mon oncle: Il est ___________et __________________.
13. Cinderella: Elle est _________et__________________.
15. Donald Trump: Il est ___________et __________________.
16. Mon chien (my dog) (If you don't have a dog, describe Tweety Bird). Il est ___________et __________________.

Bonjour je m'appelle Benjamin Saponaro. J'ai quinze ans. Mon anniversaire est le dix mai 2001. J'abite a Chicago avec mes parents, mes frères, mes soeurs, mes grands-parents e ma tante, Annamaria. J'ai cinq 
frères et deux soeurs. Ils sont Joe, Phil, Antonio, Bob, Luis, Gracie et Angie. Ma famille est italien et mexicain. J'ai un chien qui s'appelle Pipi. J'aime jouer au basket. J'aime regarder des films. Ma classe préférée est anglais.

Bonjour je m'appelle Benjamin Saponaro. J'ai quinze ans. Mon anniversaire est le dix mai 2001. J'abite a Chicago avec mes parents, mes frères, mes soeurs, mes grands-parents e ma tante, Annamaria. J'ai cinq 
frères et deux soeurs. Ils sont Joe, Phil, Antonio, Gracie et Angie. Mon famille est italien et mexicain. J'ai un chien qui s'appelle Pipi. J'aime jouer au basket. J'aime regarder des films. Ma classe préférée est anglais.

Bonjour je m'appelle Benjamin Saponaro. J'ai quinze ans. Mon anniversaire est le dix mai 2001. J'abite a Chicago avec mes parents, mes frères, mes soeurs, mes grands-parents e ma tante, Annamaria. J'ai cinq 
frères et deux soeurs. Ils sont Joe, Phil, Antonio, Gracie et Angie. Mon famille est italien etmexicain. J'ai un chien qui s'appelle Pipi. J'aime jouer au basket. J'aime regarder des films. Ma classe préférée est anglais.