Monday, February 13, 2017

Do you know why we celebrate Valentine’s Day? Now it is mainly so that 
we can tell people that we care about them, give and receive cards, and 
enjoy chocolate and candy. But according to one legend, St. Valentine’s Day is meant for people to 
remember a brave man, a martyr* whose name was Valentine. Read the history below and then answer the questions. 
Image result for st. valentine meme

The Story of St. Valentine 
The Roman Emperor Claudius II was fighting many wars. He wanted a 
strong army, but many men did not want to be soldiers. Claudius thought 
the men wanted to stay home to be with their wives and children instead 
of leaving to fight wars. 
Claudius thought of an awful solution to his problem. He decided to cancel 
all marriages! No one in all of Rome could get married. Claudius thought 
that if the men couldn’t get married, the men would ignore the women 
and want to be soldiers. 
Valentine, who was a priest, believed that people needed to get married. 
He thought that if they were not married, they would be tempted to sin by 
living together without being married. So he secretly and illegally married 
couples anyway! He performed the weddings in secret places, so the 
Roman soldiers would not find out. 
But they did find out. Valentine was arrested and brought before the 
Emperor. The Emperor thought Valentine was a well spoken and wise 
young man, and encouraged him to stop being a Christian and become a 
loyal Roman. Valentine would not deny his beliefs, and he refused. He was 
sent to prison until he could be executed. While he was in prison, he sent 
out letters to his friends and asked to be prayed for by writing Remember 
your Valentine. 
Valentine was killed on the 14th or the 24th of February in the year 269 or 
270. We celebrate Valentine’s Day on February 14th in honor of St. 
Although it is not known whether this legend is factually true, it is a good 
story anyway. It is nice to think of someone who believed in marriage and 
was willing to risk death to do what he believed was right.

1.  Name the Emperor who ruled during Valentine’s lifetime. 
a. Claudius I 
b. Claudius II 
c. Nero 
d. Augustus 
2. The Emperor wanted men to: 
a. live at home and work for the empire. 
b. raise children and be loyal Roman citizens. 
c. go to other countries and raise families. 
d. go fight wars in other lands. 
3. Valentine disobeyed the Emperor’s orders twice. What TWO things 
did he refuse to do? 
a. stop performing marriages 
b. kneel to the Emperor 
c. stop being a Christian 
d. read the Bible 

Refer to this website to answer the questions:

4. How do you say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY in French?

5. How do you say WOULD YOU BE MY VALENTINE in French? 

6. What's one way you could ask someone out on a date in French:

7. Name five other ways (petits noms d'amour/ terms of endearment) you could call your boyfriend/girlfriend:

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