Monday, May 22, 2017

End of the Year - French Travel Project 

For your end of the year project, you will be working on a google slide presentation about a city in France that you want to visit. Each slide needs to feature specific information (see below).
You will make your presentation here:
You do not need to print out your presentation, just share it with me,
This project is due on Friday, May 26 and is worth 100 points. 

Slide 1. Choose a French city you want to visit. Some examples:
One this first page I want you to write the name of the French city, include an image/photo of this city, and describe it with three french adjectives.

Slides 2 - 5 
Tell me FIVE historic sights you are going to visit while you are in your selected city. For each sight, write three sentences telling me why this sight is important (you have the option of writing these pages in French or English. Include a photo of each sight. 

Slide 6. Book you airfare. Go to and find out how much it costs to travel to your city from Chicago. Write your flight schedule, tell me how long your flight is, what airline company you are flying and how much it costs.

Slide 7. Tell me what hotel you are staying at. You can book your hotel at What is special about this hotel? How much does it cost per night? Where is the hotel located exactly? What does the price include?
Slide 8-9
Find a restaurant that you will be visiting in your city. What are the specialties of the restaurant? Include a picture of two dishes you want to try.

Slide 10. Find a famous person who was born in this city. Write a brief, one paragraph description of this person (option of writing description in French or English). Include an image/photo of this famous person. 

Slide 11
What is the weather like in this city today? Describe the weather in French. Include an image of this weather that you are describing.

Slides 12-14
Based on today's weather report, what three items will you need to pack in your suitcase? Describe each item in French and include an image of each item.

Slide 15
Who do you want to bring on your trip with you? Your best friend? Your grandma? Your cousin? Describe this person in three sentences. 

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