Tuesday, January 10, 2017

La ville

Fill in the correct form of the verb ALLER (to go)
1. Quand je suis malade, je ____________à l'hôpital.
2. Nous ___________ à l'école du lundi au vendredi.
3. Tu ______ à l'église le dimanche?
4.  Ma famille __________ à un restaurant chinois chaque samedi soir.
Watch the video. Write down 5 places around LA VILLE that are featured in the video.

3. Be Kind to Others - it will pay off:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufQpgYSDRdU

Assignment: Make a very basic map of your neighborhood in French. You need to include seven places in your map and it must be written entirely in French. 

Image result for map of my town french

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