Friday, December 23, 2016

Match the Sentence with its translation:
Santa Claus is fat. 
The Christmas tree is beautiful.
Santa loves cookies and milk.
The snowman is cold.

Le bonhomme de neige est froid
Père Noël est gros.

Santa aime les biscuits et le lait.
L'arbre de Noël est magnifique.

Image result for joyeux noel vintage 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

1. Read about Christmas in France. Tell me five things you would do if you were celebrating NOEL in France.

2. Tell me three ways that you might celebrate Christmas in the French speaking country of Haiti:

3. Tell me three ways you might celebrate NOEL if you were in Switzerland:

If you have extra time, enjoy the games here and work on completing your DUOLINGO!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

montagnes / bébés  / une arme / Berne  / montre  allemand 

  1. Rolex est une marque de ________suisse.
  2. Les hommes suisses doivent avoir __________ dans la maison.
  3. Il ya une statue d'un homme mangeant des __________ à Berne.
  4. Les Alpes sont une chaîne de ____________  en Suisse.
  5. La capitale de la Suisse est _________
  6. Les gens parlent français et ____________en Suisse.

Noel en Suisse

1. Look at the map of Europe on page xxiii in your Bon Voyage book. Which countries share a border with  the French speaking country LA SUISSE (Switzerland)?

2. Look on page xxx in Bon Voyage. What is the capital of SUISSE?

3. Draw the flag of Switzerland. Write the colors of the flag in FRENCH.
Image result for colors in french  

Watch the video and write down three things you might eat, see or do if you were spending Christmas in Switzerland: 

Monday, December 19, 2016

Bonjour! Happy LUNDI!

Today you will have time to catch up on DUOLINGO. Remember our top students in each class will win a prize, and the class that is the farthest ahead will win a pizza party! Make sure you are keeping up with your fellow classmates.


Chateau Shopping Assignment

You suddenly were gifted a $500,000,000 inheritance and you are hoping to buy a beautiful CHATEAU in France.
For each CHATEAU, you need to indicate - on your paper assignment sheet - the EMPLACEMENT (Location, which is included in the real estate listing title, in a yellow-ish font), the #of CHAMBRES (rooms), the METRES (square meters = size) of the chateau, the PRIX (price in Euros AND DOLLARS) and the EXTRAS.
Les extras are extra rooms or features in the home. Maybe there is a PISCINE (pool) or a JARDIN (garden) or a PARC or even a BIBLIOTHèQUE (library). Write two extras on your assignment sheet.

Here is the Chateau-Shopping Link - you can see a listing of actual CHATEAU en France for sale here:[V2]&

Use this tool to calculate Euros to US Dollars:

Image result for chateau for sale

Friday, December 16, 2016

Joyeux Noel!

Write the sentences, completing each with the correct COULEUR from the word bank

Word bank: vert, blanche, blancs, blanc e noir, rouge
Le pingouin est....                            
L'arbre de Noel est....
La neige est....   
Les flocons de neige sont...
Le chapeau de Pere Noel est...

Image result for joyeux noel

Write down three things you might SEE, EAT, or DO if you were spending the holiday season in France:


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Niveau 2 - Bonne santé!

Level 2 - Answer these questions on the assignment sheet. I will be checking your bellringers in today, too! When you have completed this assignment, please work on Duolingo - I will be updating you on the leaders today!

Bonne santé!

1. This man swears that 5 ALIMENTS have led him to lead UNE LONGUE VIE. He is 113 years old!!! Read the article and write the 5 aliments.

2. Read the article. According to the article, give 5 reasons Pourquoi boire de l'eau (why you should rink water).

3. According to the article, Combien d'eau boire? how much water should you drink each day?

4. Combien d'eau boire? How much water should you drink each day? Convert LITERS to GALLONS:

5. According to the chart featured in this article, how many hours of sleep should you be getting each night?

6. How many hours should your preschool age brother or sister be getting each night? Your elementary school aged brother or sister?

7. Here are some healthy ideas for PETIT DEJEUNER - which three the yummiest to you?
jeudi, le 15 decembre 


Today I will be checking in Bellringers. You are required to complete the CHATEAU-SHOPPING activity below as well. When you are finished with the activity, go ahead and work on Duolingo. I will let everyone know who is in the lead today in Duolingo, too!

Chateau Shopping Assignment

You suddenly were gifted a $500,000,000 inheritance and you are hoping to buy a beautiful CHATEAU in France.
For each CHATEAU, you need to indicate - on your paper assignment sheet - the EMPLACEMENT (Location, which is included in the real estate listing title, in a yellow-ish font), the #of CHAMBRES (rooms), the METRES (square meters = size) of the chateau, the PRIX (price in Euros AND DOLLARS) and the EXTRAS.
Les extras are extra rooms or features in the home. Maybe there is a PISCINE (pool) or a JARDIN (garden) or a PARC or even a BIBLIOTHèQUE (library). Write two extras on your assignment sheet.

Here is the Chateau-Shopping Link - you can see a listing of actual CHATEAU en France for sale here:[V2]&

Use this tool to calculate Euros to US Dollars:

Image result for chateau for sale

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Dans Ma Chambre - mercredi, le 14 decembre

Write the paragraph below in your CAHIER. Look up the words in ROUGE.

Ma chambre est très belle. Ma chambre est très organisée. J'ai un grand lit. La couverture est bleue.
J'ai beaucoup de livres et une planche à roulettes dans ma chambre. J'étudie et j'écoute de la musique dans ma chambre. J'aime ma chambre.

1. Comment est-ce-qu'on dit BEDROOM en français?
2. Comment est-ce-qu'on dit BLANKET/COVERS en français?
3. Does the girl love her bedroom? How do we know?
4. What does the girl like to do in her bedroom?
5. Comment est-ce-qu'on dit BED en français?
6. Is the girl's LIT grand ou petit?

Children's Bedrooms around the World:

1. Ma chambre est.... grande ou petite.
2. Je partage ma chambre avec .... mon frère / ma sœur / personne
3. Ma chambre est propre ou sale.

Extra: Coolest Beds around the World:

Radio Garden:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bellringer le 13 decembre, mardi

Match the ALIMENT with the ADJECTIF

ALIMENT                             ADJECTIF                banane                               long, mince et vert
oeuf                        b
lanc, produit des vaches
chaud et marron

café                                             vert 
concombre            j
aune et blanc et oval

Quelle est votre aliment préférée??
Quel chat es-tu?Image result for les adjectifs

Complete the sentence with the correct color of the ALIMENT in French"

1. La banane est....
2. L'oeuf est....
3. Les fraises sont...
4. La pomme est...
5.  La salade est///

Monday, December 12, 2016

Bellringer - lundi le 12 decembre 2016

1. Aimes-tu les poires?    
Oui, j'aime les poire ou  Non, je n'aime pas les poires
2. Aimes-tu dessiner? (dessiner= to draw)  
Oui, j'aime dessiner.  ou  Non, je n'aime pas dessiner.
3. Aimes-tu les aubergines?  
Oui, j'aime les aubergines.  ou  Non, je n'aime pas les aubergines.
4. Aimes-tu le chocolat?  
Oui, j'aime le chocolat.  ou  Non, je n'aime pas le chocolat.
5. Aimes-tu les les maths?  
Oui, j'aime les maths  ou  Non, je n'aime pas les maths.
6. Aimes-tu les chiens?  
Oui, j'aime les chiens.  ou  Non, je n'aime pas les chiens. 

Image result for j'aime
Image result for j'aime

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Vendredi, le 8 decembre

Which sentence is true for you? Write only the sentences that make sense for you

J'aime la pizza.   ou  Je n'aime pas la pizza.
J'aime le chocolat.  ou Je n'aime pas le chocolat.
Je parle espagnol. ou Je ne parle pas l'espagnol.
Je joue au soccer.  ou  Je ne joue pas au soccer. 
J'aime les chats. ou J'aime les chiens. 
Image result for cats vs. dogs

les chiens vs. les chats 

Verb game!

Verb pop quiz - group correct.

Level 1

Bellringer: le 12 decembre 2016, lundi
Look at the picture of the MAISON. Tell me in which room of the home you do the following:
Example: Je mange dans la cuisine

1. Je mange céréales et yogourt le petit dejenuer dans ________________.
2. Je regarde la télévision dans _____________.
3. Je dors (I sleep) dans _______________.
4. Je prends un bain (I take a bath) dans _____.
5. Dans quelle pièce passez-vous le plus de temps?
(What room do you tend to spend the most time in?)  

Here is a family looking for a dream home. In a minute, you are going to be thinking about your dream home. Think of some things you might like to have in your dream home?

On parle!

La maison de mes rêves 

C'est grand ou petit?
Combien de chambres? trois? treize? quinze? vingt? cinquante? cent?
A-t-il une piscine, un court de tennis ou un court de basket?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ask your partner (or yourself!) the following questions and write down the answers:

Préférez-vous le café ou le thé?

Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire après l'école aujourd'hui?

Quel est votre saison préférée? printemps, été, hiver ou automne?

Que vas-tu faire vendredi soir? Est-ce que tu veux aller au cinéma avec moi?
Reminder: Keep up with the Duolingo challenge!

Add the correct ending to conjugate the verb in the present tense. The -er ending has already been dropped. Then translate each sentence into English. 

1. Je regard___ un film.
2. Nous regard____un film.
3. Elle regard___ un film.
4. Je jou___ au basket.
5. Nous jou_____au basket.
6. Il jou___ au basket.
7. Je mang___ des croissants.
8. Nous mang____ des croissants.
9. Il mang____ des croissants.
10. Vous mang____des croissants.

Image result for croissants

les croissants

What did Minnie's cafe run out of??

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Duolingo Christmas Challenge!

Bonjour! Today I'd like to introduce the Christmas Challenge. You have six lessons to complete in Duolingo by the end of December:

  • Basics 1
  • Basics 2
  • Phrases
  • Food
  • Adjectives 1
  • Present 1

The first class to complete all the lessons - EVERY STUDENT - will win a PIZZA PARTY on the day before Christmas break begins! Everyone needs to complete the lessons, which are worth a total of 200 points - by the end of December! 

I will also be awarding prizes -on the day before Christmas break begins- to the top two students in each class, so please feel free to move forward and keep on completing DUOLINGO work, even if it hasn't been assigned yet.

Remember that you can download Duolingo as a free app on your phone, so you can even complete this work when you are waiting for the bus.

Remember to register at the link below if you have not already:
2nd Period French 1

3rd Period French 1

5th Period French 1

7th Period French 1

8th Period French 2

Monday, December 5, 2016

Add the correct form of Être
  1. Je ______américain: 
  2. Tu __________ américain: 
  3. Il _______américain.
  4. Nous sommes américains.
  5. Vous ________américains.
  6. Ils ________ américains.
  7. Image result for etre french

Friday, December 2, 2016

1. Bonjour! Today is your speaking quiz. The script is below. If you forgot your script today, make sure to copy this script down in your cahier so you are ready to go. 

2. While I am conducting speaking quizzes, go to page 140 in Bon Voyage and add all the vocab words to your cahier. Work with a friend to look up all the words and translate into English. 

Speaking Quiz: 
Je vis dans une maison / appartement / condo / un château avec ma mère / mon père / ma soeur / mon frère / mon chien / mon chat.
Ma maison est grande / petite.

A la maison, nous parlons anglais / chinois / espagnol / français / arabe / japonais / chinois.

Je vais à l'école à pied / en bus / à vélo / en voiture.

Ma première classe est___________.
J'aime beaucoup la classe de _________.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, due at the end of class:

1. Write down the top ten most common French verbs and tell me their meaning in English:

2. There are nine French subject pronouns. Write them down and tell me their meanings in English:

For questions 3-6, refer to the following link:

3. Fill in the blank: More than 80 percent of French verbs are ____verbs.

4. Fill in the blank: To conjugate a regular -er verb, drop the _____of the infinitive to get the stem. Then add the six present tense endings specific to -er verbs: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent,and you’re done.

5. Conjugate the verb FINIR:

6. Conjugate the verb VENDRE:

If you have not yet registered for Duolingo, click on the link for your class period below and register. PLEASE WRITE DOWN YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD IN A SAFE PLACE. You will receive 10 points for registering and 50 points when you complete Basics 1, due by the end of THIS week. You can also download duolingo as a free app on your phone.

After you have registered, please complete BASICS 1 and PRESENT 1.

2nd Period French 1

3rd Period French 1

5th Period French 1

7th Period French 1

8th Period French 2