Thursday, January 26, 2017

Final Exam Review

Due at the end of class. Worth 15 points.

1. Take the online etre quiz. Write the answers from 1-20 on your separate sheet of paper.
Image result for the verb etre

2. Write down ten of the most common French adjectives.

3. When you are finished with this assignment, go to and fill a rice bowl while practicing your French!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Sample Letter:

Chère Anne, 

Je m’appelle
J’ai _______ans.
Comment allez-vous? 
Je suis un étudiant au lycée de Schurz où 
j'étudie le français, l'anglais et les maths. 
J'aime jouer au football, chanter et danser. 
J'aime manger des pizzas et des tacos. 
Je n'aime pas manger du brocoli. 
Ce week-end je vais au cinéma avec mes amis. 
Bonne journée! 
Au Revoir!

Final Exam - Culture and Geography Review

1. Name all the European countries where French is an official language

2. Name five African countries where French is an official language. 

3. What are the days of the week in French? (p.15)

4. What are three ways to see goodbye in French? (p. 15)

5. How do you say MR MRS AND MISS en francais?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Oral and Written Final Exam

You are going to study in France for college and you are writing a letter to the girl who is going to be your roommate in Paris. You need to introduce yourself, describe yourself and write about your likes and dislikes. Add details and use conjugations to make your sentences more cohesive. Follow the template below. On Wednesday and Thursday, you are going to read your letter to me. This grade will count towards your final exam and will be worth 50 points. 

Chère Anne, 

Line 1: Greet her and ask her how she is. Refer to p. 2 and 3 in Bon Voyage
Line 2: Tell her what your name is. Je m'appelle....
Line 3. Tell her where you are from: Je suis de Chicago.
Line 4. Tell her how old you are. J'ai ________ans. 

Line 5. Tell her three adjectives that describe you. Je suis....
Line 6. Tell her when your birthday is. Mon anniversaire est..
Line 7. Tell her five things you love to do in your free time. J'aime....
Line 8. Tell her two things you don't like. Je n'aime pas....
Line 9. Tell her three subjects that you are studying at school. 
Je suis étudiant à Schurz et j'étudie.....
Line 10. Tell her what you are doing this weekend. 
Ce week-end, je vais....
Line 11. Tell her three things you like to eat...J'aime manger....
Line 12: Tell her one thing you never will eat...Je ne mange jamais...
End: Say goodbye to your friend.


your name

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lab Assignment

1, Take this quiz. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper, due at the end of class. Be sure to check your answers - I shouldn't see any errors at all since you will have checked your answers:

2. There are many things to do in Quebec in the winter. Write down three things you might like to try:

3. When you are finished, work on Duolingo!

Ice Hotel | Credit:  Luc Rousseau

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Fill in the correct form of être

1.____ la capitale nationale du Québec, une des provinces du Canada. Elle 2.____ située dans la région administrative de la Capitale-Nationale. Elle 3. ____ le siège de nombreuses institutions dont le Parlement du Québec. Les Québécois 5. ______ des gens très gentils et drôles.
Hotel du Glace

Dog sledding! 

Sled Dogs:

2. Speaking practice: p. 35


Il y a = there is / there are

Write ten sentences about this image in French using Il y a.

Example: Il y a un ours en colère. (There is an angry bear).

Image result for winter forest cartoon animals

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Winter in Quebec City

Today you are going to explore QUEBEC CITY. On a separate sheet of paper, due at the end of class, answer the following questions. This assignment is worth 25 points. Remember that tomorrow we have a quiz on the verb ALLER

Image result for quebec city

1. What country is Quebec City in?

2. If you wanted to drive to Quebec City from Chicago, how long would it take?,+Illinois/Qu%C3%A9bec+City,+Qu%C3%A9bec,+Canada/data=!4m8!4m7!1m2!1m1!1s0x880e2c3cd0f4cbed:0xafe0a6ad09c0c000!1m2!1m1!1s0x4cb8968a05db8893:0x8fc52d63f0e83a03!3e0

3. Look at the Google Map of Quebec City. What river is the city located on?,+Quebec/@46.7916314,-71.2421215,8782m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x4cb8969171736bcf:0x6bafac4505e33d27!2sChateau+Frontenac,+Quebec!8m2!3d46.7904371!4d-71.2508265!3m4!1s0x4cb8969171736bcf:0x6bafac4505e33d27!8m2!3d46.7904371!4d-71.2508265!6m1!1e1

4. Name 3 sights you could see in Quebec City:

5. What is so special about the Hotel de Glace? Would you spend a night at the Hotel de Glace?

6. What is Bonhomme Carnaval?

7. What is the Le Château Frontenac?

8. How many people speak French as a native language in Quebec? Look at number 1 in this link:

9. Poutine is the most popular dish in Quebec City. What is it?

10. What's the weather in Quebec City today?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Match the places with the thing you usually will find at the place

Places                                        Things
Le bureau de poste                       Les animaux
le zoo                                           les étudiants

l'école                                        les timbres
l'arrêt de bus                    les fruits et les légumes  
le supermarché                            les fleurs
le fleuriste                                       le bus

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

La ville

Fill in the correct form of the verb ALLER (to go)
1. Quand je suis malade, je ____________à l'hôpital.
2. Nous ___________ à l'école du lundi au vendredi.
3. Tu ______ à l'église le dimanche?
4.  Ma famille __________ à un restaurant chinois chaque samedi soir.
Watch the video. Write down 5 places around LA VILLE that are featured in the video.

3. Be Kind to Others - it will pay off:

Assignment: Make a very basic map of your neighborhood in French. You need to include seven places in your map and it must be written entirely in French. 

Image result for map of my town french

Monday, January 9, 2017

Welcome back!

Part 1: Copy down the following new verb into your CAHIER:
Image result for the verb aller french
Part 2:

Write following words into your notebook and translate into French:

à l'école
à l'église
à la plage

au travail

New Year's Goals: Be Kind

Free hugs!

The verb aller song!